We want to support our applicants as unbureaucratically as possible. We have therefore set up a flexible, multi-stage application process that is adapted depending on the scope of the project. We reserve the right to call in external experts if necessary.
Please also note the individual requirements of the respective funding line.
Brief application
Please send your complete brief application (see below) and proof of non-profit status (§58a AO or §60a AO) or recognition of non-profit status by the tax office (notice of exemption) to antrag@klaus-tschira-stiftung.de. The subject of your email should be: „Funding line: <name of funding line> – Project application: <project short title>“.
By submitting the application, you agree that we may process and store your personal and application-related data for the purpose of processing your application. We reserve the right to forward this data to external reviewers. The Klaus Tschira Stiftung gGmbH will use the information provided here exclusively in accordance with our >data protection information<.
Each funding line has specific requirements, but the structure of the brief application comprises a maximum of 5 pages (22,000 characters) and is as follows:
- Concise project overview (max. 2,000 characters)
- Factsheet, in tabular form (max. 6,000 characters)
- Project outline (max. 12,000 characters)
- Description of the evaluation of the project’s success (max. 2,000 characters)
- As an attachment: Proof of non-profit status (§58a AO or §60a AO) or recognition of non-profit status by the tax office (notice of exemption – “Freistellungsbescheid”)
In addition, we invite you to suggest possible reviewers. You are also welcome to let us know if you would like to exclude individual persons as reviewers due to potential conflicts of interest.
After a positive initial review, we may invite you for a virtual pitch or a written full proposal. Please let us know which option you would prefer.
Pitch / Full proposal
Depending on the complexity, scope, and content of your project, a further, more detailed review may be necessary. In such cases, we offer you the opportunity to present your application to us and, potentially, reviewers in a virtual pitch. Alternatively, you can provide us with a detailed project description in the form of a written full proposal. We reserve the right to contact you in this regard if necessary.