
Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology

Spatial data for the benefit of the environment and society
Heidelberg / International

HeiGIT (Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology) conducts research and development relating to geographic information, for the benefit of the environment and society. The institute places particular emphasis on using open source geodata contributed by volunteers to incorporate local perspectives. Results and data are made freely available to stakeholders such as researchers, non-profit organizations and public institutions.

The team is primarily dedicated to four key areas.

Smart Mobility focuses on calculating route and accessibility analysis that meet specific requirements, such as heat-avoiding pathways for pedestrians or routes optimized for emergency services during disasters.

Big Spatial Data Analytics analyzes large volumes of spatial data, including for example providing information on global road quality or assessing the data quality of OpenStreetMap.

Geoinformation for Humanitarian Aid supports aid organizations by developing methods for digitizing geodata, facilitating knowledge transfer, and conducting risk assessments for proactive disaster management.

Climate Action leverages geodata to assist stakeholders in implementing climate change mitigation strategies. This means developing and providing high-resolution spatial indicators, such as actionable data for assessing the walkability and bikeability of cities in terms of their friendliness.

HeiGIT gGmbH was founded in 2019 as an affiliated institute of Heidelberg University, receiving core funding from the Klaus Tschira Foundation.

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