
Explore Science

Die naturwissenschaftlichen Erlebnistage der Klaus Tschira Stiftung.
Mannheim / Friedrichshafen / Bremen

Explore, Experience, Discover!

Since 2006, the Klaus Tschira Foundation has been organizing the annual science days “Explore Science” for children and young people. Numerous interactive stations, workshops, competitions, and science shows invite participants to explore and experiment with a specific scientific topic. The goal of the event is to inspire young people to engage with science.

Explore Science has been held in Mannheim since 2006, in Bremen annually since 2018, and at Lake Constance since 2022. After three years on the Mainau Island, the event will move to Friedrichshafen in 2025. In the same year, Magdeburg will be added as another location. The event always takes place outdoors in parks.

The program for Explore Science is developed in collaboration with regional institutions from the fields of education and science.