
Innovative Research

search Subject: Innovative projects in basic research
groups Target group: Researchers in the fields of mathematics, computer science and natural sciences
warning Application until September 16, 2025
euro Project funding between €100,000 and max. €500,000
Desired outcome

This funding line aims to enable significant advancements in mathematics, computer science, and natural sciences through innovative and unconventional ideas in basic research.


This funding line is aimed at researchers with outstanding and creative ideas in basic research that have the potential to accelerate scientific progress. We want to promote innovation and strengthen scientific excellence for the benefit of society.

We prioritize research projects that:

  • Are innovative and original: Your idea should be novel and unique.
  • Offer scientific added value: Your project should aim to make significant advances in mathematics, computer science, and natural sciences.
  • Are future-oriented: Your research should provide long-term solutions to current and future scientific challenges.
  • Are interdisciplinary: We welcome projects that combine different scientific disciplines and perspectives.
  • Think outside conventional approaches: Projects that may not fit standard funding criteria, such as those of DFG or BMBF, are especially encouraged.


Your path to project funding in this funding line

You can find a description of our general application criteria and the application process >here<.

Please send your complete brief application (see below) and proof of non-profit status (§58a AO or §60a AO) or recognition of non-profit status by the tax office (notice of exemption) to antrag@klaus-tschira-stiftung.de. The subject of your email should be: „Funding line: Innovative Research – Project application: <project short title>“.

By submitting the application, you agree that we may process and store your personal and application-related data for the purpose of processing your application. We reserve the right to forward this data to external reviewers. The Klaus Tschira Stiftung gGmbH will use the information provided here exclusively in accordance with our >data protection policy<.

Brief application for projects of the funding line Innovative Research

Your brief application comprises a maximum of 5 pages (13,000 characters) and is structured as follows:

  • Concise project overview (max. 2,000 characters):
    • What is the project about?
    • What are the goals of your project?
    • How will these goals be achieved?
  • Factsheet (in tabular form, max. 3,000 characters): Project title, project start and end date, expected total costs, detailed budget plan with breakdown by personnel and material costs as well as overhead, the future vision of the project after the end of the project period, name of the participating institutions, address data, e-mail address, telephone number, responsible person for the project, Naming of other third-party funding providers (funds currently being applied for and/or already approved), as well as their relationship to or delimitation from the funds applied for from Klaus Tschira Stiftung.
  • Project outline (max. 6,000 characters): Description of the intended outputs, description of the project partners, timeline including work packages with milestones and assignment of the involved project partners, plans for disseminating the results to I) the professional audience (open data / open science) and II) the broader public.
  • Description of the evaluation of the project’s success (max. 2,000 characters): What are your own indicators of success and how do you measure them?
  • Appendix: Proof of non-profit status (§58a AO or §60a AO) or recognition of non-profit status by the tax office (Tax Exemption Notice – “Freistellungsbescheid”).

In addition, we invite you to suggest possible reviewers. You are also welcome to let us know if you would like to exclude individual persons as reviewers due to potential conflicts of interest.

After a positive initial assessment, we may ask you to go forward with a pitch or a full proposal. Please let us know which option you would prefer.

You will receive information about the pitch procedure by email. Please structure your 30-minute slide-based pitch presentation in such a way that the reviewers can assess the project according to the evaluation matrix (>download here<).