

For more than 25 years, the Klaus Tschira Foundation has been supporting talented and committed people in the fields of science, mathematics and computer science. With our interdisciplinary and international alumni network AlumNode we want to stay in contact with those we support and accompany them on their (professional) path. The aim of AlumNode is to help researchers, experts and stakeholders in science communication to build a network, get actively involved, strengthen their skills and obtain funding . To this end, AlumNode offers various formats such as informal coffee breaks, interactive workshops and informative expert talks. The platform also thrives on an intensive exchange of knowledge, promotes collaboration and offers peer mentoring as well as various advisory and training opportunities. Alumni can also play an active role in the foundation’s work, for example as jury members or speakers. AlumNode is a cooperation between the Klaus Tschira Foundation, the Heidelberg Laureate Forum Foundation (HLFF) and the German Scholars Organization (GSO).

Who are the alumni?
Scientists and academics in research, teaching and business as well as stakeholders in science communication: our growing network is diverse, international and brings together over 1000 alumni. AlumNode – Your Network by Klaus Tschira Foundation brings together fellows and alumni of various programs and projects, all of which are funded by the Klaus Tschira Foundation or have been funded in the past. Alumni include winners of the KlarText Prize for Science Communication, participants of the Heidelberg Laureate Forum, the Leadership Academy and fellows of the Klaus Tschira Boost Fund, deep talents of the German School of Journalism, students of the Go-West program, fellows of the MIP.lab and many more.

Personal encounter

Our alumni network also thrives on personal encounters. Face-to-face meetings are held in the summer and fall. In the summer for the international AlumNode community in English and in the fall as part of the KlarText award ceremony in German. This year, the Summer Alumni Meeting focused on the topic of “academic freedom“. In line with the Federal Ministry of Education and Research’s Year of Science 20024, the alumni discussed what “freedom” means for their work in science. In addition to interactive lectures and a workshop by Scicomm Support, the program also included alumni project presentations. But of course, networking should not be neglected at a networking event. At the fall alumni meeting, alumni were able to choose between two interactive workshops. They could choose between“Agile project management in science” or“Conflict management – skills for successful communication with colleagues and superiors”. This event provided another opportunity for alumni to network with each other. They also welcomed the new award winners to the alumni network.

In 2023, the alumni discussed the topic of “Happiness and Failure in Science” at the summer meeting. In the fall, it was alumni meeting meets KlarText award ceremony for the first time. A workshop on the topic of “Self-leadership as the basis for professional action” encouraged self-reflection and rounded off the fall meeting.

AlumNode is all about networking with each other. We encourage our members to make contacts, exchange ideas and develop ideas together. The motto of our alumni work is: Connect. Engage. Empower and Get Funded.






Our short AlumNode film shows all the possibilities and functions of the platform.

Our alumni

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