
Science Media Center

Scientific Expertise and Facts for the Media

The Science Media Center Germany (SMC) supports journalists with freely accessible statements and background information from the sciences. It also develops new tools for digital science journalism.

The SMC is a public-interest, editorially independent organisation. Its editorial team provides insights from researchers on events of public interest and scientific developments. For current scientific publications and complex issues, it gathers expertise, facilitates direct exchanges between researchers and media professionals through press briefings, and offers scientific insights into public debates. These resources are provided free of charge to journalists accredited with the SMC and can be used for further research on its website. The topics covered include medicine and life sciences, climate and environment, energy and mobility, as well as digital and technological advancements.

In close collaboration with the SMC’s editorial team, as well as through its own research projects, the SMC Lab explores how technological tools can effectively strengthen and expand science journalism. Additionally, it sheds light on publicly relevant topics through data-driven investigative reporting.

The Science Media Center Germany is a non-profit organisation. Its shareholders are the Klaus Tschira Foundation and the Wissenschaftspressekonferenz (WPK), the association of science journalists in Germany.