
Superconductivity at room temperature

search Subject: Further development of superconductor technology
groups Target group: Researchers in the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science and chemistry


The deadline for this funding line has passed. We are no longer accepting applications.


Desired outcome

We aim to lay the foundation for the discovery, synthesis, and analysis of 3D materials with quantum geometry effects, enabling the development of superconductivity at room temperature within the next 10 years.


Superconductors transmit electricity without resistance, but so far they only operate at very low temperatures. Materials that superconduct near room temperature would offer significant advantages for the sustainability of our high-tech world. Electricity could be transferred without loss, dramatically reducing the operating costs of energy-intensive systems such as magnetic resonance imaging systems or data centers. This could pave the way for climate-friendly developments. However, it is still unclear which materials are capable of superconducting at room temperature.

3D quantum geometry effects represent a promising approach. They open up an emerging field in solid-state physics that may one day enable the development of specific superconducting materials. Advances in materials science, driven by machine learning, are bringing their discovery and synthesis within reach [see e.g. Törmä et al. 2023]. This allows theoretical simulations of a wide range of materials to identify promising candidates. These can then be synthesized in the laboratory and tested for their superconductivity.

This high-risk project requires a broad spectrum of expertise that can only be assembled together in an interdisciplinary network of researchers. In collaboration with the Kavli Foundation, we therefore seek researchers in physics, mathematics, computer science, and chemistry with relevant expertise in 3D quantum geometry, superconductors, and machine learning.